Fine motor skills your child should be good at before school.
Pencil grasp

Between 1 and 2 year your child should be developing fine movements in the following sequence
- Development of fine pinch grip and precise release of small objects
- Both hands develop skilled function and work together
- Crayon is held initially in the palm as if holding a Dagger (Palmar Supinate ).Movement mainly occurs from shoulder, the arm and hand move as a unit.
- Makes marks on paper with crayon
- Vigorous scribble in imitation
- Scribbles spontaneously
- Draws a stroke then obliterates by scribbling
- Imitates drawing a vertical line

Between 2-4 years your child should be doing the following
- Crayon or tools may be held across all fingers, with the palm facing down. Digital Pronate grasp.Movement mainly occurs at the elbow, the forearm and hand move as a unit.
- Imitates drawing a circle
- Copies a horizontal line
- Copies a vertical line
- Draws 2 or more strokes when attempting to copy a cross.

Between 3-4 years your child should
- The fingers (often all four) are held on the pencil shaft opposite the thumb.
- Copies a circle
- Imitates a horizontal cross
- Imitates a zig zag line
- Joins two dots
- Draws a diagonal stroke by following a continuous dotted line
- Traces over a diamond shape (rounded corners)
- Draws a man with a head and one other body part e.g. arms, legs
- Traces and stays on most of the time a 7cm wide horizontal line.
Static Tripod grasp :
Adjustments to the pencil are made with the opposite hand (3½ – 4 years).
Quadropodgrasp :
Movement can occur from the wrist, the hand moves as a unit with the fingers static.

Between 4-6 years
- Child developing ability to manipulate objects between the fingers and palm and rotate objects with the fingers.
- Uses a Static Tripod grasp of a pencil consistently
- Developing fine control to manipulate a pencil
- The thumb, index and middle fingers work as a unit for precise control of the pencil, the ring and little fingers provide support. Horizontal movement across the page occurs at the wrist elbow and shoulder (4½ to 6 years).
- Copies a diagonal line, a square, a diagonal cross, circle and triangle
- Draws a man with a head, arms and legs
- Colours in a simple picture staying mainly within the lines (no more than 0.6 cm)
- Draws a man with a head, trunk, arms, legs, feet and three facial features
- Connects a series of dots to make a simple drawing
Incorrect Pencil Grasps
These are ineffective pencil grasps as they interfere with your speed of writing, handwriting or with the pressure you apply on paper. Get them corrected quickly. Your child may need special pencil grips which are available with us along with therapy for fingers and hand functions.

Scissoring/Cutting skills

- Difficulty with finger placement on scissors
- Uses other muscle groups to coordinate activity.
- Unable to cut along the line.

- Places fingers in accurate position on scissors
- Able to coordinate movement easily because of strength in her hands and core frame.
- Cuts cleanly across line.

- Grasps marker in an abnormal way
- Colors outside the lines
- Unable to fill in shapes with precision and detail

- Holds marker in normal way
- Able to use finer point marker to achieve greater detail.
- Colors inside the lines